Krzysztof Echaust , Małgorzata Just

© Krzysztof Echaust, Małgorzata Just. Article available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 licence


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The study focuses on the safe-haven and hedging properties of gold and selected cryptocurrencies against stock markets' extreme risk observed during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The loss reduction is compared with the profit sacrifice obtained through hedging in terms of the tail thickness of the return distribution. The findings show that gold is able to reduce extreme losses more intensively than extreme profits. Tether reduces volatility and tail risk the most effectively but it is characterised by the worst profit/risk ratio. Bitcoin and Ether increase investment risk; thus, they fail to act as an effective hedge or a safe haven. On the other hand, these cryptocurrencies added to the stock portfolio increase the probability of extreme profits more than extreme losses. The paper provides new insights into the benefits of safe-haven or hedging strategies.


gold, cryptocurrencies, conditional value at risk, distribution tail, hedging, safe haven


C13, C58, G11, G15


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